How and where to retrieve in-game screenshots

Genshin Impact can be played on various platforms, such as the PS4 and PS5, Windows, and mobile. Players can screenshot in-game moments if they want to see some of their experiences from time to time.

Another thing to consider is the scenery and artwork of characters available in the game. These designs could be worthy of screenshots, especially if gamers are looking to flex their rare weapons or 5-star characters.

All things considered, this article lists how and where to retrieve players' in-game screenshots from Genshin Impact. Screenshots can help players do a variety of things, from looking at their in-game inventory to just enjoying a beautiful scenic view. Here's everything players need to know about taking screenshots in the latest version of the title.

How to take screenshots in Genshin Impact

Taking screenshots in Genshin Impact follows the standard way of doing so. Players need to go to the options menu and click on the Take Photo option. This will allow them to customize the camera angles and positioning and capture their desired image.

This action is possible on all platforms and devices that cater to the game. The game will then store all of those files in the Genshin Impact screenshot folder.

Genshin Impact screenshot folder locations

After taking in-game screenshots of Genshin Impact, players can locate them in the default folders intended for the specific device's screenshots.

For PS4 and mobile users, they need to go to the screenshot folder on their devices. On the other hand, Windows users need to navigate to this location: C:\Program Files\Genshin Impact\Genshin Impact Game\ScreenShot.

Note: If the game is in some other drive (D or E), then players can head to that folder and follow the above pathway accordingly.

What to screenshot in Genshin Impact

Players can screenshot any in-game content that they would like to capture and have a separate photo of. However, most screenshots lean towards newly-obtained characters, weapons, items, or finished quests.

The invitation of Windblume event is ongoing in the game (Image via Genshin Impact, YouTube)

As this feature can be maximized in any way, players can get a hand on their gaming experience thanks to these screenshots. Those who progress well in the game can look back on their journeys, right from the beginning.

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