Vajayjay, nether regions, lady garden, front bum, Mary, foo - these are just some of the weird and wonderful names that British women use to identify that they are talking about their vagina.
Vagina is of course the correct, clinical name for female genitalia. Yet, it's one that causes many women extreme psychological arousal to talk about.
A recent survey of 1,000 women reported that 66 per cent of 18-24 year old British women find talking about their vagina, or other gynaecological issues, deeply embarrassing. And 48 per cent reported they are afraid of being intimately examined by a doctor.
Sadly, this has profound implications for sexual, physical and psychological health. Women are not talking to their GPs (in the first instance) about issues that might arise in terms of physical changes, lumps and bumps, pain or discomfort during sex (or just more generally), discharge or non-menstrual bleeding.
Any, or all, of these can be simply ‘normal’ gynaecological events. But they can also be symptomatic of greater problems that, if left untreated, may lead to more serious and even terminal conditions such as ovarian cancer.
So why are women putting their health at risk over a little awkwardness?
Well, it is not as simple as all that. Fundamentally, there are two broad issues that feed into and propagate the continued taboo of discussing vaginas.
First, unlike the penis, which is external, the vagina is wholly internal. This may be why their existence simply doesn’t elicit discussion between mothers (or other female role models) and daughters during childhood, adolescence and even adulthood.
In contrast, getting boys to keep their penis in their pants is challenging at times.
What has been identified during discussion with women is that the vagina is most often seen in terms of its biological function.
Indeed, for the vast majority of women the only time that their vagina is viewed by strangers is during pregnancy and birth. However, despite not particularly being concerned during the actual birthing process – at which time a military marching band could be in attendance and you really wouldn’t care – once the baby is born an overwhelming sense of indignity and embarrassment can be experienced.
This is exacerbated if you have stitches, which need to be examined daily. And then, after 6-8 weeks, just when you begin to regain a sense of dignity, you have to endure the postnatal check where vaginal examination is mandatory.
So many women see their vagina as purely serving a purpose in the production of offspring, only to be subsequently hidden away again.
The second, and most concerning issue surrounding female reluctance to embrace the open discussion of all things vaginal, is sexualisation.
Explicit pornography is so easy to access that many people (male and female) only view the vagina in terms of sexual activity. For many young women consideration of the vagina, vulva or labia is done so in a comparative way - and in a world of ‘designer vaginas’ any comparison cannot be great for esteem and self-confidence.
The problem is: it’s simply not done to discuss your vagina with others.
Sadly this includes medical professionals. As identified by the British charity Ovarian Cancer Action, which commissioned the aforementioned survey, 57 per cent of younger women report turning to Google instead of the GP if they have any concerns.
Some view smear tests only as a means of identifying STIs, rather than the identification of cervical cell abnormalities. Whereas some older women think them unnecessary, as they are either not sexually active or have been with the same partner for a long time.
So where does the responsibility lie?
Clearly, one avenue would be to foster discussion between girls and their mothers, and such openness should be encouraged by health providers and society as a whole. Openly using the terminology will reduce the taboo.
A second option would be to empower women to embrace their bodies - to know themselves and to take notice when they feel something is not right and seek appropriate help.
So come on girls, introduce yourself to your vagina. Have vagina parties where you can talk about vaginal health with close female friends. Discuss it with your daughters and granddaughters, reduce their anxiety and empower them to be vaginally healthy - and to pass on this openness on.
Only then can we begin to reduce unnecessary deaths due to ovarian and cervical cancers, and embrace the word vagina as part of our bodies and everyday lives.
If you experience any unusual symptoms that happen frequently, including persistent stomach pain, unpleasant smelling vaginal discharge or unusual bleeding, visit your GP.