Chris Brown was giving a “24-hour pass'” from his court-ordered rehab-stint to do some good. According to reports, Chris Brown left rehab to attend a toy drive in Brooklyn Projects Melrose in Los Angeles this weekend. Brown co-hosted the events which brought hundreds of gifts to underprivileged children. Brown Tweeted this shortly after the event –
“Thank you to all the fans who brought gifts for the kids today. Have a wonderful holiday. You’ve made a merry Christmas for a young child!”
The charitable gesture earned him a day-off from rehab where he’s been ordered to remain after his arrest for allegedly assaulting a man in Washington, D.C. on October 27th while on probation. Shortly after the end of the toy drive, Brown returned to rehab immediately where he’s responsible for 24 hours of community service a week.
Image via Imeh Akpanudosen/Getty Images